Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Internet: A relationship killer

            The 17 minute video of a teenage boy's computer screens seem catches a significant amount of my attention. As one of his contemporaries I can relate to the actions he took in this video. Although the actions he took seem to be a little bit extreme, I can still relate to them. Social media can make someone insane especially if you are in some type of relationship which is many cases is already stressful enough. Social media sites such a Twitter,Facebook,Instagram and Tumblr can cause crazy assertions about things that are not even rational. Something as simple as someone commenting/liking your girlfriend's/boyfriend's picture can cause someone to thing that their girlfriend is engaging in some type of intimate discrete relationship. This assertion can consume your life and cause you to engage in actions that you would not normally do. Social media is like some type of drug to me. It consumes your mind and causes you to be paranoid and act crazy. In this video, this boy's outrageous actions are on display. You see the assumptions he makes just off something so simple. As soon as his girlfriend signs off Skype, he automatically assumes that his girlfriend is attempting to break up with him without any actually evidence. He then reacts on instinct and hacks her Facebook rather that being patient and allowing the evidence to come to him.

             After watching the conclusion of this video, I have came to the conclusion that a life without social media is a more sane life. If someone cuts out social media for one month, you will notice that they are a more positive and calm person. The media can completely change the personality of someone. The become more combative and aggressive. In this video, this boy had a wide range of emotions that he was going through when he finally figured out that his girlfriend was actually breaking up with him. he went from being angry and aggressive to being sad and sentimental. To sum it up, social media make you CRAZY.


  1. I agree with the points you bring up. Social media most definitely causes many overreactions and unnecessary and incorrect conclusions to be drawn. I think you make a goodpoint when you mention how he hacks his girlfriend's page. He has broken the trust barrier, and caused more drama between them. If he would have just taken a step back and waited to see what she had to say, many problems could have been avoided. Social media makes us do things we normally wouldn't.

  2. You're absolutely right. Social media is a kind of luxury and unnecessary at times. What it has done to our psychology is just ridiculous and surprising. But then it's really useful if you don't cross the border, like not stealing passwords or making an insane pre-assumptions. It's sad to see what has happened in our generation.
