Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What's the Future of Body Hacking in the age of Patent Trolls ?

The rare topic of "body hacking."  I would never see myself gaining interest in something so irrational and absurd.Actual human being placing mechanical engineered products into their bodies for various reasons such as to improve their motor skills or just for the "feeling." People who engage in "body hacking have a specific name for themselves. The want people to refer to them as "cyborgs." This term means that a person is half human and half machine Their is some specific instance where a man placed a device in his arm that connects via Bluetooth and monitors his temperature. These procedures are not done by a authorized surgeon. Therefore, there is a constantly risk for medical mishaps during every single procedure. Why would people put their lives on the line just so their bodies can perform a simple task that it could perform before? Based of the information I attained from this article, I came up with the assertion that people want to feel as if they are the owners of their bodies. Their is a huge political aspect that comes with body hacking. These people who engage in body hacking feels as if the government attempts to control society in every way,shape and form. Therefore, this is a way for them to feel free in some way. This is their way of expressing themselves and no matter how weird you might feel they are you have to respect what they stand for.

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