Monday, April 7, 2014

Final Paper Topic Creation

I can think of something that wasn't mentioned in class. One particular topic that I feel pertained to the overall objective/main idea of this course is the clothes that we where. The way society brain washes us to think that if we wear one thing as oppose to another it will make us much more attractive. The media used various advertisements that contain extreme bodily figures such as super models,put them in the pieces of clothing that they are attempting to advertise and cause the vast audience that watch TV to believe that if you purchase this particular piece of clothing you will look like this super model. This is something that I have been thinking about outside of this class and this intrigued me on a significant level. One thing that might shape my paper is the mass media and how it can cause people to engage in drastic action to change their image in society. People will spend large increments of money on clothes that probably will be forgotten about or replaced in a year or two.The different perspective that this particular topic can have is the point of view of the mass media.This is the unpopular point of view. Another point of view that this topic can have are the victims of this manipulation. Also another point of view that this topic can  have is the minuscule population that exist that does not adhere and allow to media's manipulation to control them. This is the dominate point of view. This issue is represented by the media's advertisements. I personal general opinion is that I completely agree that the media is wrong for making it seem as if a person appearance will look a certain way if the buy a particular piece of clothing. Generally, the main secondary resources that could help me with this paper are videos,pictures ,magazine and newspapers. Preferably something that could vividly show the media in the act of actual manipulation.

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